Period |
Advertisements will appear for 12, 6 or 3 months from the date of payment
Minimum charge |
The minimum charge is Euro 25
Payment |
Payment currently by cheque in Euros drawn on French bank
Content |
We will only accept advertisements that are legal and relevant to the website content
Force Majeure |
We will take all reasonable measures to ensure that advertisements remain visible at all times, but cannot be held responsible for interuptions caused by events beyond our control
Invoicing |
Invoices will be delivered in the form of a Word DOC file by email, and a copy by post.
Estimated visitor numbers |
We cannot control (or guarantee) the number of visitors ! Our continued growth makes past history unreliable as an indicator. Our estimates are based on the last 6 month actual results extrapolated to show likely trends. Quoted forecasts are shown as an indication only.
Contact |
Initial enquiries by email